Monday, September 15, 2014

Matisse Garden by C.T. Rasmuss, oil; in process/Part II - FINISHED (Summer of 2014).

Matisse Garden - Summer of 2014, en plein air  C.T. Rasmuss, oil.

It took me all summer, but after some struggles in finishing what I started, I was able to....well finish. I believe it took me 5 settings all together, being that it's an oil, I used Liquin for the first time to help drying process along the way, as I'm not keen to additives, but it helped I believe. As I had no excuses for not being able to finish it before summer was over, because it still needing to dry in between settings, lol.

As I first set off in the beginning of the summer to do an en plein air, still life from my own flowers in in my own garden space; in the style of Matisse(but still a tribute to Monet's Garden), I thought it would be a simple process: take pictures, paint from photos and the live ones in front of me, and done(one day if that). Whoops - I was wrong, it ended up being a beautiful process and to pay such a process the proper respect, it takes the proper time and devotion, which took a whole summer, and I just finished in September a few days ago.

Here's a link to the original post in June when I started, it also contains photos of the 5 flowers I originally had in mind:   link to Matisse Garden - original post.

And I have posted 4 additional flowers which I eventually added to the piece; 4 much needed flowers that I had the blessing to have on hand, growing around me in the comfort of my own home:

The End
of the summer that is..

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